Happy B-day!!! Start making up for all of the missed ones!
White Waves
JoinedPosts by White Waves
GOOD GIRL--HAPPY 1ST (celebrated) BIRTHDAY!!!!!
by Merry Magdalene in.
i know it's tomorrow, but i wanted to get a jump on it.. hope you have a wonderful day!.
Lying Elder???
by Confucious inthis is a bizarre thread.
but i was talking to an elder and he was asking me if i've sinned.
but we are all unclean.
White Waves
But wait! Perhaps he is perfect in his faith? Or, as an elder, he has justified these lies in order to aid the flock???
When and What was your "Spiritual" height?
by Dune inthe highest i ever got was my being considered for a ministerial servant back in fall'ish 2004. .
of course, i also started college that semester, and was given an ultimatum and now i'm here .
but anyway, when and what was your pinnacle height in the organization?
White Waves
Shortly after forced baptism at age 16, I pioneered in grueling heat and got my 60 hours in, the last of which was studying with my baby sister to finish up my time. I determined never to do that to myself again. I never was so miserable while at the same time received so much praise for my good deeds. This would be my appearance of a spiritual high point. It was then I determined I was not going to be a cleaning lady or dependent getting a man to have independance. I was going to have a career that I got some joy out of and freedom.
Were Most Of The Elders Dumb--- That You Knew???
by minimus ini'd say out of 10 elders, the average "sharp" ones are 2 or 3.
White Waves
Sir8 sure outlined the typical elder types. Kudos to you, Sir8! And the last poster, I KNOW they like to play dumb. To either get you to explain and talk more (thus hanging yourself for them) or to be able to run and hide.
A new "saying" that is driving me crazy! "MY BAD." I don't get it!
by whyizit ini've heard this on a couple of different tv shows and thought at first that it was a slip of the lips.
but as much as i've been hearing it, it must be a new "cool-thing-to-say".
does anyone know who, how, when, or why this has become a popular thing to say?.
White Waves
What about the saying "You are so phat!" meaning you are so cool? WHAT?? Where did that come from? At first, I thought it was an insult!!
Guess what I found
by Lady Lee in.
they haven't knocked on my door but either they have gotten in or someone in the building is one.. i live in a russian seniors residence.
almost everyone is russian and most of them speak only russian.. i saw this in the hall outside the elevators and snatched it up before someone else decided to take it home and read
White Waves
I live very near an area of tourism. The JWs put magazines and tracts in the Tourism Information Stands and Kiosks that are in the doorways of most businesses, including pharmacies and grocery stores. This pisses me off so I grap them, crumple them or tear them on the spot and then toss them in the nearest trash can as I don't want to be carrying them through the store. My boyfriend is amazed at how many I find but is sometimes annoyed that I take the time to look but I just can't help myself. Some days, I just wish a JW would see me and say something. These locations are paid for by the local businesses for advertising purposes, the JWs have no right to use them or count it as a placement.
Have you ever been "Rated"
by JH in.
would you mind being rated on a site like hot or not?.
have you ever tried it?
White Waves
Perhaps a 5-6 but 2.9? That is harsh. Why let people you don't know rate you anyways? Besides, photos are generally not very forgiving. Perhaps in the minds of Canadians you are hot. Mine is only Wisconsin, USA opinion. I know when I watch the BBC, I do not find the "hot" British actors hot. Maybe it is a national thing.
To Catch a Predator 5
by LaCatolica inomg...did you guys catch this dateline exclusive report?.
it was a true eye opener on how these men prey on kids and teens...i wanted to reach out and yank them out of the tv.
i loved how they got caught red handed!!!
White Waves
Thanks for the link Rooster, I missed it. I hope more effort is put into stopping this dirtbags of society. They are truly the scum of the earth.
I saw Jerko Elder Yesterday
by Why Georgia inyesterday i was at mcdonalds with my sons and my best friend and her kids, it was icky and raining so we were letting the kids get out some energy in the new play area.
son # 1 had to go potty so we go off to the bathroom.
all of a sudden i just stopped, sitting in mcdonalds is the elder who harrassed me, spread rumors about me and sent my husband out in field service with a more suitable unmarried sister.
White Waves
You guys are all great! I never thought to be so revengeful. I am going to have to pull some resources together to start messing with the PO dickhead that screwed up my life. I'll have to use the mailing ideas as I am out of the area. I'll just wait to mail them when I visit so the post office stamp shows his city . An who says revenge isn't healing???
White Waves
For years, it was mostly older ones, as the young ones departed in there teens, one way or another. These older ones are passing on so there are fewer of them. Also, we had many older ones that were JWs through all of the predictions of the end crap. Many were the elders of the past, sold everything, etc. only to be made fools by the WT. Their faith has been very shaken in the last few years...so I suspect a few faders . About 1/2 of the teenagers right after me actually staying in, married each other and are having kids but rarely make it because of the kids and the harshness of cong on noise and mess of the sitting area, etc. Also, crying of children being disiplined. The parents were told to take them to the back rooms, but some still too loud. Those told to go outside. Then Senior retirement complexes on 2 sides called cops for "physical abuse of a child... We'll several police squad cars arriving during the meeting with all lights and sirens was not encouraging to them. That was 2 years ago, approx. Oh, the mother was told to take the child to the car, if it was after dark, otherwise, try to disipline the child more quietly indoors. The child was 4 yrs old. You just can't win in the JWs. Meetings were moved to earlier, making it harder on working people. Then being late was criticized. Parents leaving half-way through because children too disruptive, etc.... The one-on-one criticism and the special needs talks to just rubbed it in is why I believe all of the KH numbers are down and there are so many inactive (faders?) at my old KH. A huge factor is the elders aren't proactive in calling or visiting - they grab you at the KH to ream you out. So, logic has it - DON'T GO. Who needs another downer? Definitely no encouraging the flock at that KH. So, I would rate the KH at 35% elderly, 20% mid-age, 20% young parents, 20% children (under 8), 5% (15-19 yrs). No single adults w/out children unless they are new to the area.